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From Houston to Hollywood: How Artist INC Elevated My Life and Art

By Jocelyn Nguyen

Woman stands in a glamorous formal red dress with men in suits looking at her attentively.

Jocelyn Nguyen in her short film New Hollywood. Image still courtesy of the artist.

This story shares personal experiences of domestic violence. If you are experiencing domestic violence, or know someone who is, please see the resources at the end of the story.


At the time, I was in a flight mindset.

I had to leave my hometown, Houston, due to domestic violence and was ready to pack my life into my car and drive to Los Angeles with no plan. I felt like I had nothing to lose—my world had changed in an instant. Isolated and hopeless, I thought moving away was the only option . . . until the next morning, when I received an email from Artist INC, informing me that I had been selected as one of 25 artists for their artist-centric development program. 

Woman in jean jacket sits at desk during a workshop program writing in a notebook.

Jocelyn Nguyen participated in Artist INC Houston, hosted by Fresh Arts, 2024. Fresh Arts has been an Artist INC partner since 2017. Photo courtesy of Jocelyn Nguyen.

This program gave me a reason to stay in Houston a bit longer.

I found a safe place to stay with a close friend for two weeks, and since I didn’t want to overstay my welcome, I decided to reach out to an older cousin who I felt would embrace and support me while I took some time to heal and complete the eight-week program.


Artist INC came into my life at the perfect time and feels very aligned with my journey.

Reflecting back, I feel Artist INC provided me with the structure and hope I needed while navigating a personal storm. I was so grateful and inspired by being around like-minded artists from diverse backgrounds and mediums. The weekly exercises assigned to us were the building blocks I needed to prepare for the next chapter of my life. I especially appreciated the weekly group check-ins, where we could share life, art, and work updates. It was a safe space where we could openly communicate what we needed help with. I felt comfortable sharing my domestic violence story with my small group. My Artist INC peers were so empathetic and kind that it inspired me to share my truth in a contemporary way . . .  through my art.

Outside of the sessions, I focused on finishing my short film New Hollywood, which had been on hold since January due to the circumstances. With the support from my peers, I felt compelled to produce, direct, and act in another short film, titled Dark Night of the Soul, inspired by the adversities I had faced. Knowing that I wanted to share my truth and premiere my short films at the end of the program, I quickly assembled a team to bring this vision to life. Within three weeks, I wrapped both films just in time for our WorkShare presentations.

Group of artists pose together around one artist with flowers.

Artist INC alumni and friends with Jocelyn after her WorkShare presentation.

I remember feeling terrified of potential judgment leading up to the final presentation at WorkShare night. As an artist, putting your work out there is a vulnerable act. Going on stage, dressed to impress, premiering two short films that I produced, directed, and acted in . . .  while also publicly declaring for the first time, “I am a survivor of domestic violence and assault,” made me feel exposed. I practically blacked out on stage, and I couldn’t believe I did it—it was one of the proudest moments of my life. 

It wasn’t just about setting myself free but about confronting my fear in hopes of inspiring others to share their stories and pursue their dreams.

The weekend after, I had to move out of my cousin’s place. It was now or never—I needed to take the leap and move to Los Angeles, not just to rebuild my life but to expand it.

Now, I’m applying for new job opportunities and networking with people to achieve my goals and stay aligned with my life’s aspirations. 


The skills and exercises from Artist INC, pitching, art resume writing, portfolio development, etc., have become invaluable tools. 

Within a month, I moved from Houston to Hollywood.

Artist INC was the catalyst for my transformation, equipping me with the confidence and tools to pursue my dreams with renewed vigor. My journey from HTown to HWood is just beginning. Moving forward, I’m committed to using my art to inspire, provoke thought, and drive meaningful change. I’m ready to embrace new challenges, expand my artistic reach, and continue growing both personally and professionally.


Watch Jocelyn’s Artist INC Vlog, detailing each week of her Artist INC experience. Learn more about her creative work and films here.



For domestic violence resources, please see the websites and phone numbers below.



National Domestic Violence Hotline  Call 1-800-799-7233 (or text LOVEIS to 22522)

Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services (great resource center list here)

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


Regional / Houston / LA:

Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (Houston)

Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence (City of Houston)

Houston Area Women’s Center Domestic Violence Hotline Call 1-800-256-0551

Peace Over Violence (Los Angeles and Pasadena) Call 1-310-392-8381



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