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Bring touring artists to your state

Applications are now closed

The Regional Touring Program (RTP) provides support for projects by organizations showcasing the work of artists from elsewhere in the M-AAA region.

  • Organizations that book an artist listed on a state touring roster may be awarded up to 50 percent of the artist’s fee.
  • Organizations that book an artist that lives in the region, but is not listed on a touring roster, may be awarded up to 25 percent of the artist’s fee.
  • Organizations located in rural communities may receive an additional 10 percent of the artist’s fee.

Touring artists must come from outside the organization’s state but within M-AAA’s service region (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas). Organizations must be a 501(c)3 not-for-profit or a unit of state or local government or a federally recognized tribal entity.

Organizations may book any artists of any discipline and grants require two public-facing activities: a feature presentation (a concert, performance, or other) and an outreach engagement (a class, workshop, artist talk, or other) to involve the general public in the work of the featured artist or educate an audience about the art form.

Applications are accepted on a rolling deadline at any point during M-AAA’s fiscal year, which is July 1–June 30.

Grants are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, until the allocation for each state is gone. New allocations begin each year on July 1.


All available FY25 funds for this rolling application have been allocated. The submission window closed on January 21, 2025.  Applications in process are still under review.

Applications for FY26 will be available in June 2025.

The guidelines below are for reference only.

If you would like to learn about additional programs from Mid-America Arts Alliance, please explore maaa.org or subscribe to our e-newsletter for additional opportunities.

Program Objectives

The objective of the Regional Touring Program (RTP) grant is to support projects by presenting organizations showcasing the work of touring artists from elsewhere in the M-AAA region. Presenters must be incorporated in M-AAA’s six-state region (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas). See Applicant Eligibility Requirements.

The RTP grant is designed for projects to engage and deepen the impact of arts programming for M-AAA regional audiences through exposure, interaction, and outreach engagement that occurs between M-AAA’s fiscal year: July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. This grant will disburse cost-sharing funds of up to $5,000.

Organization Grant Considerations
  • Organizations that book an artist listed on a state touring roster may be awarded up to 50 percent of the artist’s fee.
  • Organizations that book an artist that lives in the region, but is not listed on a touring roster, may be awarded up to 25 percent of the artist’s fee.
  • Organizations located in rural communities may receive an additional 10 percent of the grant amount. Rural status is determined by the Department of Commerce’s Metropolitan Statistical Area Rating and is generally defined as having a population of less than 50,000 people in the applicant’s service area. 

Organizations may book artists of any discipline and awarded projects require two (2) public-facing activities that build an appreciation for the featured artist or their creative discipline: 

  1. A feature presentation (e.g., concert, performance); and 
  2. An outreach engagement (e.g., artist talk, master class, workshop) to involve the general public in the work of the featured artist or educate an audience about the art form.

Grant awards are directly presented to in-region organizations and restricted to support the direct costs specified in the artist contracts. Applications will be assessed based on the artist’s fees stated in the fully executed contract held between the artist and the presenter on a first-come, first-served basis until the allocation for each state is gone across M-AAA’s six-state region.

Artist Grant Considerations

Although RTP grants are awarded directly to organizations, touring artists from outside the presenter’s state but within M-AAA’s region can market their programming by taking the following steps:

  • Each state’s touring roster includes artists working in conjunction with M-AAA’s state arts agency partners to bring arts experiences to wider audiences. To be included on a state’s roster, artists should contact their state arts agency. If already listed on a state arts agency roster, make sure all relevant contact information is up to date.  
  • Artists can request a list of Organizational Grantees that have taken advantage of this grant by completing a Records Request Form.
  • Create a website and ensure all relevant contact information is up to date. Note, organizations are required to submit a link to the artist’s website as part of the application process.
  • Artists can download a marketing flyer to promote their programming at https://www.maaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/RTPpostcard_2023.pdf.
Applicant Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Organizations must

  1. Be a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization, a unit of state or local government, or a federally recognized tribal community; 
  2. Be incorporated in and currently conducting business in one or more states in the M-AAA region, which includes Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas;
  3. Have and provide a valid 9-numbers Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) which will be verified using the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search Tool at https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/tax-exempt-organization-search;
  4. Have and provide a valid 12-character alphanumeric (Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) ID which will be verified in the System for Award Management (SAM) at https://sam.gov/content/home. M-AAA’s grantees are required to have a valid UEI ID but not an entity registration via SAM.gov. Organizations can get a UEI byvisiting this page and clicking the option that says “Get Unique Entity ID Only.” The physical addresses of all organizations must match the UEI assigned in SAM.gov. Organizations may submit a UEI ID confirmation screenshot or email receipt received at the time the UEI ID was requested from SAM.gov as proof while entity validation and assignment of the UEI  is in progress;
  5. Apply directly on their own behalf. Applications through a fiscal sponsor/agent are not allowed;
  6. Commit to M-AAA’s Grantee Assurance of Compliance and Federal Suspension and Disbarment Policy. To learn more visit, https://www.maaa.org/assurance-of-compliance/;
  7. Agree to credit or acknowledge M-AAA and the NEA’s support in all promotional materials. To learn more visit, https://www.maaa.org/resources/grantee-crediting-requirements/
  8. Be in good standing with M-AAA, and have no overdue or delinquent documentation and/or reports.
    • M-AAA does not accept applications from fiscal agents (e.g., bank, trust company); 
    • Organizations may submit multiple applications and receive awards for up to three (3) different Regional Touring Program projects in a single fiscal year (July 1–June 30). Each applicant is eligible for an aggregate amount of $15,000 in a single fiscal year; and
    • Similarly, an artist, ensemble, or scholar/educator can be the recipient of an aggregate of $15,000 through successful RTP grant applications submitted to M-AAA in a single fiscal year.

Those that are not eligible to apply include:

  • For-profit organizations;
  • Organizations whose primary focus, programming, and mission is not specifically arts related;
  • State Arts Agencies;
  • Fiscal sponsors; and
  • Public television and other public media organizations.
Project Eligibility Requirements

A successful RTP project engages and deepens the impact of arts programming through exposure, interaction, and outreach engagement that occurs in M-AAA’s six-state region to, with, or for the organization’s audience. 

While M-AAA’s preference for public-facing activities remains in-person experiences of the artist or ensemble, we recognize that in-person projects might not be possible given ongoing public health concerns surrounding COVID-19. Online live-streaming activities are reasonable accommodations to provide programming to audiences in a safe manner. For the purposes of the grant application, applicants and touring artists are urged to include a termination clause in all project contracts that states the fulfillment of the contract is contingent upon local public health authority guidance and pending financial resources from M-AAA or others. In consideration of the public health scenarios where fully executed contracts (e.g., Letter of Agreement/Intent or Memorandum of Understanding) may be difficult to obtain, drafted documentation that reflects tentative project details can be submitted with the application for consideration.

Eligible projects must:

1. Include artwork that spans one or more creative disciplines including, but not limited to: 

  • Folk/Traditional Arts (Crafts, Visual Arts, Dance)
  • Dance/movement (Ballet, Ethnic, Jazz, Tribal, Modern)
  • Literature (Fiction, Memoirs, Non-Fiction, Playwriting, Poetry)
  • Visual Arts (Collage, Experimental, Graphics, Multimedia, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture)

This list is not comprehensive. Questions regarding a specific art discipline that is not listed above, please contact M-AAA at rtp@maaa.org.

2. Exclusively feature an in-region artist from outside the applicant’s home state in at least one feature presentation a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes in length that is open to the general public. 

  • A fully executed contract is required for final grant award determination and must include the name of the artist, their contact person or agent’s name, their current contact information (mailing address, phone number, and email address), the applicant organization’s name, a brief description of the agreed upon activities, the venue name and address or the streaming platform where activities will take place, its dates(s), time(s), and the artist’s fees associated with the project.

3. Have public-facing events that occur between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025 in M-AAA’s six-state region.

  • Funded project activities are not required to be free but must be open to the general public.
  • Any events available only to subscription ticket holders are not considered open to the general public.

4. Carry out at least two public-facing events for a minimum of 60 minutes in length:

  • A feature or premier presentation event of the work by the touring artist can include, but is not limited to:
    • Concert 
    • Performance 
    • Other creative approaches
  • An outreach or educational event can be presented either by the touring artist, scholar/educator(s), or another artist who works with similar themes or the same art form as that involved in the feature presentation. All activities must educate the community about the art form(s) and provide direct interaction between the artist(s) and the audience. Activities can include, but is not limited to: 
    • Artist Talk
    • Exhibitions
    • Lecture/demonstrations 
    • Master classes
    • Residencies 
    • Workshops 
    • Other creative approaches
  • Takes place in an accessible facility or on an accessible online streaming platform that allows for artist and audience interaction before, during, and/or after the feature presentation and/or outreach engagement; and
  • Attempt to engage underserved audiences who lack access to the arts due to geography, economic conditions, ethnicity, disability, or age, including but not limited to underrepresented cultural groups, immigrants, veterans, an active military, persons in institutions, those living below the poverty line and youth at risk.

5. Have a grant request of no more than $5,000. Applicants are encouraged to request an amount that is reflective of the artist’s fee and the applicant’s capacity to manage the grant;

  • Grant funding may not be used for indirect project costs. Funds must be used exclusively for direct project expenses described in the artist contract.

M-AAA grant funding cannot be used for:

    • Contracts with artists/personnel who reside outside M-AAA’s region;
    • Compensation for the applicant’s board of directors;
    • Sub-granting, regranting, or cash awards;
    • Indirect costs; 
    • Expenses associated with the project’s opening or closing (e.g., receptions); and
    • Expenses associated with benefits or fundraiser events.

6. Have a budget that reflects a 1:1 dollar-for-dollar cost share equal to the grant amount requested. 

  • Applicants are encouraged to reflect all expenses and income expected for this project in the application budget in order to clarify the project scope for review.
    • In-person activities: The artist’s fees can include payment for services (performance, workshops, etc.), transportation, accommodations, and per diem costs described in the contract.
    • Online activities: The artist’s fees can include payment for services and online streaming fees associated with the project described in the contract.
  • Other direct project costs like remaining artist fees, staff time, marketing, and materials are allowable cost-sharing expenses and must be covered by the applicant.
  • Identify additional income sources that can include, but are not limited to, ticket sales, entry fees, cash contributions, grants, and/or organizational funding. 
    • Other funding sources such as, in-kind goods/services; Federal and other M-AAA grants for the project should be noted in the budget but cannot be used to meet the 1:1 cost share requirement.

Projects not eligible for consideration include but are not limited to: 

  • Artists from the same state in which the applicant organization is incorporated; 
  • Artists who reside outside the M-AAA region;
  • Activities that are already funded by M-AAA through another grant program;
  • Activities that are not arts-focused (e.g., conference keynote speeches, sidewalk sales, food festivals, fireworks displays, etc.);
  • Activities that are part of a benefit or fundraiser;
  • Activities through which students will receive academic credit for attendance or participation;
  • Activities taking place exclusively in schools during school hours; and
  • Activities that are not open or available in part to the general public. 
Application Review and Funding Selection Criteria

An application will be deemed ineligible if it is incomplete at the time of submission or does not meet the Applicant or Project Eligibility Requirements. Ineligible applicants will be notified by M-AAA with a rationale to help the applicant adapt for future submissions. 

If deemed eligible for consideration, applications are evaluated by a staff member based on applicant and project eligibility such as the artist’s fees stated in the contract held between the artist and the presenter on a first-come, first-served basis until the allocation for each state is gone across M-AAA’s six-state region.

Application materials are reviewed and evaluated using the following criteria:

    • Applicant Eligibility
    • Project Eligibility
    • Availability of Funding


Grant Awards

Grant awards of up to $5,000 will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, until the allocation for each state is gone. M-AAA requires a 1:1 dollar-for-dollar cost share for the RTP grant. The 1:1 cost share must be reflected in the application. This grant supports 25-50 percent of in-region touring artists’ fees. M-AAA expects applicants to adhere to the terms of the touring artists’ contracts and to pay the remaining fees which is, in fact, the 1:1 dollar-for-dollar cost share. 

RTP grant funds derive from federal funds from the NEA. An organization may not receive this award and a direct grant from the NEA or another Federal agency for the same project during the same or an overlapping grant period of activity. However, if the organization receives funding from non-federal M-AAA funders, it will not impact M-AAA funding eligibility. If the organization is selected for funding, it will enter into a grant agreement with M-AAA. The agreement will outline the terms and conditions, including federal regulations, project, and crediting requirements of the RTP grant award.

Grantee Requirements
  • Grantees must comply with all requirements as stipulated in the grant agreement, including, but not limited to the following:
    1. Grantees are required to carry out activities consistent with the application as approved for funding.
    2. Changes to funded activities must be proposed in advance by the grantee and require written approval from M-AAA’s Director of Arts and Humanities Grant Programs before implementing project changes. Awards may be revised in light of such changes. Requests for changes are considered on a case-by-case basis; approval is not guaranteed.
    3. Grantees commit to M-AAA’s Grantee Assurance of Compliance and Federal Suspension and Disbarment Policy at https://www.maaa.org/assurance-of-compliance/
    4. Grantees must complete an online final report form provided by M-AAA. The online final report form summarizes grant-funded activities and accomplishments at the end of the project activity period or at the end of the period of support, whichever occurs first;
    5. Grantees must agree to credit acknowledgment of M-AAA and the NEA’s support in all promotional materials.  To learn more visit, https://www.maaa.org/resources/grantee-crediting-requirements/
    6. Grantees are responsible for and must retain all records, receipts, and proof of expenses for a minimum of three (3) years following the grant period of activity and provide those documents to M-AAA or the NEA upon request; and
    7. Grantees must expend all funds between July 1, 2024 and on or before June 30, 2025.
Program Timeline
  • The application will be available in July 2024.
  • Applications are due at least six (6) weeks before the first public-facing activity when possible. Applications received less than six (6) weeks before the first public-facing activity, contact M-AAA to expedite your grant application review at rtp@maaa.org.  
  • Applications will be reviewed by M-AAA staff members on a rolling deadline during the grant period of activities from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025 while funding is available.
  • The grant package including a W-9 Form will be emailed approximately three (3) weeks before the first public-facing activity. 
  • Grant funding will be distributed through two (2) payments: 
    • 50 percent upon return of the signed grant package and W-9 Form; and 
    • 50 percent upon successful review of the Final Report submitted by the grantee.
  • The final Report is due no later than 30 days following the last public-facing project activity. 

Applicants may consult with a staff member before applying, but they will not review or provide comments on draft applications. 

Final Reporting

M-AAA will provide an online Final Report form. Grantees must complete and submit one within 30 days of the last public-facing project activity. The Final Report form requires: in-person and online attendance information for funded activities, photos or screenshots of funded activities, documentation of award acknowledgments, and, when available, press reviews and/or evaluations of activities including anecdotal feedback. Pictures and documentation must be uploaded into the online Final Report form.

M-AAA does not expect grantees to match any additional financial support received for the project. Grantees need only to reflect a 1:1 dollar-for-dollar cost share for the grant amount awarded in the Final Report.  

Grantee’s financial records, supporting documents, and all records related to this M-AAA/NEA supported program must be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of the Final Report. Grantee shall provide Mid-America Arts Alliance or the National Endowment for the Arts access to any records kept by Grantee to make audits or examinations as necessary.

M-AAA Policies and Procedures

Grantees must comply with the Federal policies and legal requirements, statutes, and regulations as stated in M-AAA’s Assurance of Compliance.

Grantees are required to make access accommodations upon request for constituents with disabilities at M-AAA funded activities. The NEA has resources to assist arts organizations in making accommodations for Accessibility.

Grantees must compensate all professional performers and related or supporting professional personnel at no less than the prevailing minimum rate of compensation. This requirement is in accordance with the regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor in part 505 of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Part 505 does not provide information on specific compensation levels.

Grant awards are considered income. Grantees are responsible for all tax obligations under federal, state, and local laws. M-AAA recommends that grantees consult a tax accountant or local Internal Revenue Service office with questions or concerns regarding deductions and reporting.

Grantees who fail to acknowledge M-AAA and NEA support online or in print materials for the project may not be considered for future funding opportunities.  Visit and use the toolkit to help you manage and announce your grant from M-AAA at https://www.maaa.org/resources/for-grantees/.

All changes to a project must be submitted in writing to M-AAA before the public-facing activity takes place. M-AAA will work with organizations on project changes and/or cancellations such as identifying alternative artists on a case-by-case basis. Awards may be revised or revoked in light of such changes, per NEA’s CFDA #45.025 Promotion of the Arts Partnership Agreements).  

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension or termination of the grant award.

How To Apply

M-AAA accepts grant applications via an online form. Google Chrome or Firefox is the recommended web browser to use when working in the online application form. Occasionally it is useful to clear your browsing data or clear your cookies to maximize the functionality of the application platform. We recommend using the Regional Touring Program Grant Guidelines and Application At-A-Glance to prepare your responses in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or a similar note taking application to ensure you have a backup for reference as you proceed. While draft applications can be saved online, technology is not flawlessly reliable, we strongly recommend you prepare your narrative responses before working in the application form. 

Data typed in the online application form can be saved for editing later by clicking “Save my progress and resume later” at the top or bottom of the application form webpage. Each time you save your application you will be asked for an email address and a password. And each time you save your application you will be sent an email with new instructions on how to resume your draft application. To resume the most recent version of your application refer to the most recent email in your inbox.

Applications are accepted anytime between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 through M-AAA’s online application platform.

The application can be found here:


We urge you to submit your application early to ensure your materials are properly received. The application platform may experience slower processing times when user traffic is higher as the application opens. 

If you have accessibility needs for an alternate format or process for completing the application please contact: Angelette Sevart, Operations and Accessibility Coordinator at angelette@maaa.org or (816) 421-1388 ext. #216.

Have Questions

If you have any questions about the Regional Touring Program grant guidelines or the Application At-A-Glance, please visit the FAQ for Artists or FAQ for Organizations to see if your questions are addressed in those documents. Applicants should read through all questions and answers before emailing inquiries to M-AAA. If you did not see your question addressed in the FAQs, please email us at rtp@maaa.org.  You may also schedule a 30-minute appointment to discuss your specific project further with a M-AAA staff member via telephone or Zoom, please email us.

State Arts Agency Artist Rosters

Each state’s touring roster includes artists working in conjunction with our state arts agency partners to bring arts experiences to wider audiences.

Explore the Touring Rosters:




Pictured: Bruce Wood Dance of Texas performs at Choregus in Oklahoma with the support of an RTP grant, FY21


